The Prince, The Pretender and Penrith

At their February meeting nineteen members and guests of the society enjoyed a wonderful talk by Neil Hannah entitled The Prince, The Pretender and Penrith. So Bonnie Prince Charlie, his life and mainly catastrophic invasion plans unfolded in front of…

Visits to a castle and a garden 

REPORT ON OUTINGS OF SHAP LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY HELD DURING SUMMER 2019 24th June – Brougham Castle. The first in June was to Brougham Castle where they were led around the site by Joseph Jackson of English Heritage. The site…

The History of Shap Church

The weather affected the turn out for Shap Local History Society’s February meeting, but those who made the effort were well rewarded with a most interesting talk on the history of St. Michael’s church by their Chairman Jean Jackson, who…

Local history group discover Lakeland villages.

Shap Local History Society held its annual Social evening in the Memorial hall when over 40 people enjoyed a delicious supper of homemade sausages with potatoes and vegetables followed by a tempting choice of hot and cold puddings. As guests…

Vintage run adds colour to Shap.

A special commemorative run by vintage commercial vehicles added vibrant colour to Shap on Sunday. The English Lakes Historic Commercial Vehicle Run organised by The Long Haul Club incorporated the Silver Jubilee of the unveiling of the memorial on the…

Pubs and inns of Westmorland.

Shap Local History Society held their first indoor meeting of the winter season in the memorial hall when Jean Scott-Smith welcomed Val Fermer of Ravenstonedale Parish History Group who gave a presentation on the Pubs and inns of Westmorland. Mrs…

Traditional Cumbrian Food

The Shap Local History Society annual Social evening in the Memorial hall saw a sell out event with 50 people gathering to enjoy an evening with celebrated food historian Ivan Day who had organised and prepared a three course supper…