Vintage run adds colour to Shap.

A special commemorative run by vintage commercial vehicles added vibrant colour to Shap on Sunday.

The English Lakes Historic Commercial Vehicle Run organised by The Long Haul Club incorporated the Silver Jubilee of the unveiling of the memorial on the summit of the A6.

Forty-six wagons left Carnforth and travelled along the A6 making a stop on a rain-swept Shap Summit to pay respects at the memorial before continuing down into Shap, where they were welcomed by the Shap Memorial Trust who put on a buffet lunch in the Memorial Hall. The Shap Memorial Trust is now administered by Shap Local History Society, and the Heritage Centre was open to allow viewing of the transport archives held there.

The sight of so many beautifully cared for vehicles parked up in the village attracted a lot of interest and cameras were kept busy capturing images of the pristine liveries in red, blue, yellow, green and cream; and a general air of nostalgia prevailed.

The convoy then set out for Threlkeld Mining Museum and a return trip through the Lakes.

POSTSCRIPT: If anyone took photographs of the vehicles, and they are willing to let us have copies for our archives, we would be pleased to hear from you.