Summer trips – Orton

The July outing was to Orton, for a walk led by Wendy Higgins. Starting in the Square next to the former school now housing the chocolate factory, the group heard about the ancient markets once held there, and the present well-established monthly farmers market. Several former public houses were indicated as they headed for the church; a very old place of worship that has seen many changes.

The walk then headed past the sites of two former vicarages before strolling up the road to the Mill; the stream alongside the road edged with Monkey flowers, and alive with darting minnows added a timeless charm. The mill buildings are currently undergoing sympathetic conversion into dwellings; the mill once boasted the largest wheel in Westmorland.

The final part of the walk followed the same stream past the Methodist Chapel, one of the earliest in the area; the former Temperance Hall, that was used as a school during the second world war, some cottages, an old farm and the present school. Back on the main street some interesting buildings were pointed out; the little Liberal Club, the impressive 17th century Petty Hall and the George Hotel. Mrs Higgins was thanked for the enjoyable tour of the village. Donations were collected for Orton church.

This year there was no outing planned for August, and monthly indoor meetings resume in September.