Annual General Meeting
We will have a short AGM followed by a photo quiz devised by Jean Scott Smith. Pencils will be provided! There will also be a small prize for the winner. We will be serving our usual scones and cake, coffee or tea.
As always at AGM time we are appealing for new committee members. It is with great regret that I will be tendering my resignation as Secretary, after nearly 22 years in post. Some of you will know that my partner has been very ill this winter, and the future is still uncertain for both of us. Ideally the committee needs 1) a new secretary, 2) a speaker secretary and 3) someone to look after the accounts for the Shap Memorial Trust – this last post doesn’t have to be a committee one and just involves keeping the simple accounts, paying the odd bill and banking the money from sales of the Shap Fell Story booklet. I am writing ‘job’ descriptions for all these posts so if anyone would like further information please get in touch.
If no-one comes forward to do these jobs, the future of the History Society after our November meeting will need to be discussed.
Patrick Neaves has agreed to take on the treasurer’s job as Ken Noble, who has helped me with the accounts, will also be resigning at the AGM. You will hear at the AGM that the Society is in excellent financial health.
I am prepared to remain as a Trustee of the Heritage Centre, as this doesn’t need to be a committee post.
We are still looking for an outing for our June meeting, I have tried to get us a visit to Gaythorne Hall and will try again, in the meantime if there is anywhere else you would like to go please let us know and we will try to organise it.
Please contact Jean Jackson, or me, if you would like any further information on any of the above. To contact the Society – click here.
Liz Amos, Secretary
Jean Jackson, Chairman